View of Angkor Wat from sunset. It's pretty tough to show up at Angkor Wat and not have the feeling of being on some elaborately detailed Hollywood movie set. Much the same way the Grand Canyon looks like something that's too unreal to be...well, real, Angkor Wat and all of the surrounding temples are epic on a scale that pretty much defies description and belief, attaining a level of almost absolute absurdity in its ability to induce constant awe. Maybe the best way to describe it would be to simply call it surreal, because the entire time I was there I couldn't help but think, "Oh, this is real life? I'm actually standing on the steps of the largest religious monument in existence, one of the wonders of the world, almost 1,000 years old? Welp...ok then." The good news is that it's easy to be slapped back to reality when an 8-year-old Cambodian boy walks up to you and introduces himself as Justin Bieber and asks if you'd like him to be your guide on the history of the temple. I was able to see sunset from the vantage of one of the highest monuments in the entire collection of temples in Siem Reap and, though it was cloudy, it was still a pretty magnificent sight and experience.